Archive for the ‘mothers, motherhood, first time mother’ Category

Interesting Conversations with my 3 year old

My sister recently forwarded me an email titled “Top seven “good” parents”. In it was this short story about a 4 year old that reminded me about conversations with my daughter.

Here is the text from the email”

A father was at the beach with his children when the four-year-old son ran up to him, grabbed his hand, and led him to the shore    where a seagull lay dead in the sand.  ‘Daddy, what happened to him?’ the son asked.  ‘He died and went to Heaven,’ the Dad replied. The boy thought a moment and then said, ‘Did God throw him back down?’

Conversation one
During one of our drives to school she asked me. “Mommy, why is Jesus not talking to me?” I thought for a moment and replied, “Well have you asked him a question?” She immediately said ” Jesus are you going to talk to me?” After a few seconds “No mummy he is not talking to me, maybe he will talk to me later at night when i pray”.

Conversation two
On the way home, we typically pass a Cemetery. This past weekend she asked me what it was. I responded “A cemetery” She asked what is a cemetery.
I replied with the same response i gave my niece when she asked me when she was about 4 years old for it seemed to work for her, so i thought well this should work too.. “Well, it is a place where people are buried when they die, before they go to heaven”. Sure enough i should have expected this one. She replied “So a cemetary is Heaven?” Truthfully i did not have a response to that one..

What would you have said?

It’s about the Hair

Is it really?

Are women expected to have long hair or is it just something men have gotten used to that they expect us to have long hair.. Well anyway this entry is NOT about what what men and women want about their hair, just want to share my hair journey….

It is just HAIR. It does not define who and what you are. Though i will say that women with short hair have some extra confidence, for we are few..

I was blessed with nice soft hair. For a long time my mother (Blessed with good hands) did my hair. When i was around 10 she had someone else do my hair and i think it was the first time to get a perm, i am sure my sister will correct me on this fact. Well that was beginning of my downfall.

My hair cut and it has not been the same since. I came to America and as a 19 year old girl, of course i was curious.. I tried the weave that you glue on and ohh boy did my hair cut. The next phase what coloring my hair which required of course to be bleached, another learning moment.

One year before i got pregnant i decided i will try natural hair, i got pregnant and for 3 years did not relax my hair. After the nursing phase, well my mother went back home and could not maintain the look of wearing wigs everyday. Each week with a different one, people at work would be mesmerized at the different colors and length. Go figure – Ignorance? Or just plain stupidity?

I went to a salon on Aug 28th 2010 and i just cut it short, really short. I did not care if i had the face to pull short hairstyle,  i just wanted something different and manageable. Well i can tell you that day, he noticed the hair style.

Now it is about 3-4 inches long. I have been braiding Conrows but not too impressed with the quality. I might be cheap but would like something to look good for 2 weeks at least. I am wondering if i should just continue this natural hair style thing or just cut it off again…My daughter really wants me to match her hairstyles and she has really long hair.. Hmm maybe look for a Dominican Hair shop, i hear they are good with natural hair..


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